Preserve Mission Santa Inés

A Critical Retrofit of Mission Santa Inés
CMF is joining with Mission Santa Inés for a critical $3.6 million project to retrofit the mission. Together, we will be reaching out to engage everyone from the local community to the federal government to help achieve this historic goal. As one of the largest projects CMF has undertaken, we will need all hands on deck for this project. We are formulating a fundraising committee, but every gift will help.
Of the 21 California missions, 19 have been retrofitted to preserve the structural integrity of these sacred, historic landmark sites. Over time and exposure to the elements, adobe brick and other ancient methods of building erode and weaken. This deterioration places an important piece of our history at risk. Unstable walkways, deteriorating walls, leaking roofs create a safety issue for patrons, parishioners, tourists, scholars, and students who regularly visit this site.
Mission Santa Inés is in need of several crucial updates to prohibit water damage and reinforce the adobe walls:
- The roof tiles need to be tightened and sealed to prohibit water damage
- The exterior plaster is impermeable and needs to be replaced by a breathable lime plaster to preserve the adobe underneath
- The walls need to be reinforced with steel beams to uphold and strengthen the adobe walls
- Connections to convent and buttress need to be reinforced
- Interior woodwork restoration is needed as well
CMF and Mission Santa Inés hope to have this project completed in eight months once funding has been secured and construction has begun. CMF will be applying for federal grants, local foundation grants, and seeking support from the community to launch this imperative project.
Please click the link below to donate to the Santa Inés Capital Campaign.
Just note “Santa Inés Retrofit” in the comments section, and we will be
sure to assign your gift to this project.
Together, we can make a difference and preserve the historic California landscape
in the Santa Ynez Valley for years to come.