Bibliography - Law, Politics, and Government
Beilharz, Edwin A. Felipe de Neve, First Governor of California. San Francisco: California Historical Society, 1971.
Castillo, Edward D. "An Indian Account of the Decline and Collapse of Mexico's Hegenomy over the Missionized Indians of California." American Indian Quarterly 13.4 (1989): 391-408.
Escobar, Agustín. “The Campaign of ‘46 against the Americans in California.” in Three Memoirs of Mexican California. Berkeley: The Friends of the Bancroft Library, 1988. 107-125.
Geary, Gerald J. The Secularization of the California Missions, 1810-1846. Catholic University of America Studies in American Church History, vol. 17. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1934.
González, Michael J. "'The Child of the Wilderness Weeps for the Father of Our Country' The Indian and the Politics of Church and State in Provincial California." In Contested Eden, California Before the Gold Rush , edited by Ramón A. Gutiérrez and Richard J. Orsi. pp. 147-72. Berkeley: University of California Press 1998
Hale, Charles A. Mexican Liberalism in the Age of Mora, 1821-1853. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968.
Hansen, Woodrow James. The Search for Authority in California. Oakland: Biobooks, 1960.
Hutchinson, C. Alan. "The Mexican Government and the Mission Indians of Upper California, 1821-1835." The Americas 21.4 (1964-65): 335-62.
––––– Frontier Settlement in Mexican California: The Híjar-Padrés Colony and Its Origins, 1769-1835. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1969.
Ivey, James E. “Secularization in California and Texas.” Boletín, The Journal of the California Mission Studies Association. 20.1 (2003): 23-36.
Langum, David J. "Sin, Sex, and Separation in Mexican California: Her Domestic Relations Law." The Californians 5.3 1987): 44-50.
––––– Law and Community on the Mexican Frontier. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987
Miller, Robert Ryal. Juan Alvarado, Governor of California, 1836-1842. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1998.
Hansen, Woodrow James. The Search for Authority in California. Oakland, CA: Biobooks, 1960.
Neri, Michael C. "Narciso Durán and the Secularization of the California Missions." The Americas 33.3 (1976-77): 411-29.
Servin, Manuel P. "The Secularization of the California Missions: A Reappraisal." Historical Society of Southern California Quarterly 47.2 (1965): 133-49.